Read Liryc’s 10th newsleter – 1st half 2020

2020 marks both the end of the initial “investments for the future” programme, which led to the creation of Liryc in 2010, and the beginning of a new adventure.

It took the institute ten years to build its unique platforms and research infrastructure, bringing together worldclass experts from different disciplines and academic institutions and industrial players, with a common objective: to improve the prevention and treatment to heart rhythm diseases.
Our scientific programme and business plan have been approved by the French National Research Agency and the Prime Minister, who granted us an additional 16 million euros of funding for the next five years.
Liryc’s roadmap to 2025, as detailed in this newsletter, is both exciting and ambitious. It aims at addressing the challenges associated with diagnosing and treating patients suffering from heart rhythm diseases or at risk of premature death. Liryc’s teams and partners, whose excellence, involvement, and dynamism have been recognized by an international jury, are ready to take up this challenge.

Thank you all and have a great 2020!