Diploma and university courses
As the leading centre for research, education and patient care for heart rhythm disorders, Liryc is committed to supporting future researchers and doctors. As part of this mission, Liryc is backed by the “Life and Health Sciences” Doctoral School of the University of Bordeaux, which attracts talent from all over the world every year and supports around ten master’s students, as well as thirty doctoral or post-doctoral students, to enable them to perfect their skills in the best possible environment.
As such, young researchers can gain work experience in an environment of research training, innovation and patient care by carrying out an original research project.
The curriculum is provided by an educational team, including clinicians, researchers, international experts, as well as environmental partners for enhanced cooperation with professional circles and socio-economic stakeholders.
The Institute for Heart Rhythm Disorders offers an ideal stimulating environment for the training and career development of young researchers, whether they are in master’s, doctoral and post-doctoral studies.
Liryc is committed to giving them the best possible welcome, with thesis registrations and defences, training and professionalization, international programmes, scientific mediation, promotion and enhancement, etc. The programme promotes links between the world of research and international laboratories, manufacturers and businesses in the sector, to ensure their professional integration.

The University Research School
As part of the “University Research Schools” of the University of Bordeaux, Liryc runs the “Cardiac Electrophysiology Graduate Programme”. This programme is carried out within the framework of a “master’s to doctorate” continuum, entirely dedicated to cardiology, is centred around an international master’s 2 “Cardiac EP – Electromechanical Heart Diseases” and doctoral training for student-researchers in cardiac electrophysiology . This training offer, open internationally, offers high-level learning, thanks to a multidisciplinary curriculum backed by research and entirely dedicated to the current challenges of cardiac electrophysiology.
International Master 2 – Cardiac EP “Electromechanical Heart Diseases”
Type of programme: Master’s degree (Bac+5)
Student profile: 4-years university degree (Bac+4) in Medicine, Pharmacy, Biology/Physiology, Biomedical Engineering, Veterinary Sciences
Duration of training: One year, including an internship (60 ECTS; European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System)
Language: English
Programme strengths : Entirely dedicated to cardiology, this Master offers a training program through research and innovation via a global and transversal approach. It is developed by doctors and researchers at the Liryc Institute, in close collaboration with the world’s leading experts in the field of cardiac electrophysiology.
Training objectives: It aims to train high-level researchers in the field of electrophysiology and cardiac bioengineering by providing students with all the skills they need to become actors in research and innovation in this field and contribute to a better management of these diseases. The topics covered range from basic research in cardiology to the treatment of patients and the latest technological developments in the field. Transversal courses also introduce concepts in innovation economics and scientific communication.
“I didn’t expect such renowned experts to teach us in such an intimate environment. The teachers went above and beyond my expectations by providing an incredibly intellectually stimulating and exhilarating environment. We went from seeing a microscopic view of the heart to understanding cardiac devices and ablations – we even got to see an operation!” A Dutch student from the class of 2021.
This Master proposes a multidisciplinary approach through an innovative educational program based on a mix of lectures, tutorials and practical situations (practical work, group projects, research internship) spread over 2 semesters. All courses are exclusively taught in English.
The 1st semester (October – January) propose une formation théorique et pratique de haut niveau (350h) dispensée à travers 5 unités d’enseignement :
UE1 Function, Energetics and Electrophysiology of the heart
Contenu: mécanismes fondamentaux impliqués dans la fonction électrique et contractile du cœur
Extra : practical work in the laboratories of the ihu Liryc
UE2 Pathophysiological and pathological aspects of electromechanical heart diseases
Contenu: mécanismes physiopathologiques impliqués dans les principales pathologies cardiaquesContents: pathophysiological mechanisms involved in major cardiac pathologies
Le + : travaux pratiques dans les laboratoires de l’ihu Liryc
UE3 Biomedical engineering: cardiac signals, imaging and devices
Content: innovative technologies and methodologies for cardiology diagnosis and research
Extra : learning how to code in Python
UE4 Therapeutics and devices for treatment of electromechanical heart diseases
Contents: treatment of major rhythmic pathologies, use of data from cardiac devices
Extra : workshop / group work on concrete projects
UE5 Economics of knowledge and innovation – Strategic watch and competitive intelligence
Content: innovation economics, intellectual property in cardiology
Extra : group work on concrete projects
During this first semester, our students benefit from the expertise of our internationally renowned speakers in the field of electrophysiology and cardiac bioengineering (clinicians, researchers, experts and industry). Examples of international speakers from previous years : Pr. Stanley Nattel (Canada); Pr. Peng-Sheng Chen (USA); Pr. Christoph Maack (Germany); Pr. Igor Efimov (USA); Pr. Ruben Coronel (Netherlands); Pr. Frits Prinzen (Netherlands); Dr. Thom Oostendorp (Netherlands); Dr. Marcel van der Heyden (Netherlands)…
The second semester (January – June) is dedicated to an immersion in the world of cardiac research by conducting a fundamental/translational or clinical research internship (770h). Grants are available to carry out the internship within the ihu Liryc, but national or international mobility projects for the internship are possible subject to validation of the topic/internship laboratory by the Master’s pedagogical committee.
Download the details of the organisation of the training
There are many opportunities: mobility and international network, PhD in cardiac electrophysiology, collaboration with research centres, career in the biomedical industry, etc.
Pedagogical Coordinator : Dr. David Benoist : david.benoist@u-bordeaux.fr
Director Graduate Program : Pr. Pierre Dos Santos : pierre.domingues-dos-santos@u-bordeaux.fr
Administrative manager : Mme Séverine Martin severine.martin@ihu-liryc.fr
Focus on doctoral training and summer schools
The Institute for Heart Rhythm Disorders offers an ideal stimulating environment for the training and career development of young researchers, doctoral and post-doctoral students.
Every year, Liryc supports around thirty doctoral or post-doctoral students in their careers through the “Life and Health Sciences” Doctoral School of the University of Bordeaux.
Liryc offers an international summer schools programme, run by the University of Bordeaux, as part of the university’s school for young researchers. The fourth edition of the Liryc summer schools will take place in June and July 2025, including two programmes:
Summer School “Cardiac Electrophysiology”
Audience: National and international researchers, medical students, engineers.
Duration of training: One week.
In collaboration with the University of Bordeaux, this training programme welcomes national and international researchers, medical students and engineers wishing to improve their knowledge through intensive courses and demonstrations. It is a unique opportunity for participants to meet world-renowned experts and learn about cutting-edge techniques in the field of cardiac electrophysiology.
The programme offers intensive theoretical and practical sessions concerning all aspects of cardiac electrophysiology, from the molecular level to preclinical investigations and patient care.
“This summer school is fantastic to better understand how basic and clinical research connect.” (a participant in the class of 2019).
For further information about the programme, admission requirements and registration procedures, click here.

How to apply for a master’s, doctorate or post-doctorate?
The selection criteria are as follows:
- Student training.
- Ratings and reviews obtained.
- Motivations of the candidate and their ability to present the reasons for their candidacy (career project).
- Career path for people already in employment (if applicable).
Please note that the maximum number of students is 12 per class.
Competition is the main procedure for admission to the doctoral school for the preparation of a thesis. This competition takes place every year at the end of June or the beginning of July.
Students must apply online by completing an application file and selecting two thesis subjects from those proposed by the Doctoral School. At the end of the competition, the best-ranked students benefit from a ministerial scholarship, the others can apply on subjects that already benefit from funding.
Find all the information on the website of the “Life and Health Sciences” Doctoral School: https://ed-svs.u-bordeaux.fr/
The post-doctorate aims to deepen training through research at the end of the thesis.
The search for a “post-doc” remains very personalized, especially in terms of funding. Consult the teaching team at laure.dangles@ihu-liryc.fr for further information.
For further information about the programme, admission requirements and registration procedures, click here.

Other degree courses
Liryc carries out a university training programme in the fields of cardiac electrophysiology, engineering applied to cardiology and cardiac imaging.
As a world leader in the percutaneous treatment of arrhythmias for more than twenty years, Liryc passes on its expertise within the framework of diploma training programmes in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux.
Inter-University Diploma in Rhythmology and Cardiac Stimulation
Type of programme: Inter-University Diploma.
Audience: Doctors and interns in France.
Duration of training: Two years.
Programme strengths
The aim of this diploma is to provide theoretical and practical training for doctors called upon to take charge of cardiac arrhythmias, by providing them with knowledge of basic electrophysiology, diagnostic electrophysiology, pharmacology and the implantation of prostheses – pacemakers, defibrillators, implantable Holter monitors – for the practice of arrhythmia treatment techniques.

The University Diploma of Telemonitoring of Implantable Heart Prostheses
Type of programme: University diploma.
Audience: French paramedical professionals involved in remote monitoring of implantable cardiac prostheses.
Duration and pace of training: Face-to-face for two weeks of five days, plus theoretical reinforcement courses available on the distance learning platform.
Programme strengths
This diploma course provides solid, practical and theoretical bases in the field of telecardiology, a real revolution for the follow-up of patients with cardiac prostheses:
- The basics of rhythmology: surface electrocardiogram, pacemaker, implantable defibrillator, heart failure; clinical aspects, resynchronizer (pacemaker/defibrillator)
- Telecardiology: clinical trials and issues, telecardiology of pacemakers, implantable defibrillators, heart failure, resynchronizers.
“This diploma was also an opportunity to give meaning to what I was doing. It’s a huge opportunity to discuss, to compare our activities with others and to realize that we have one thing in common: that of developing a skill in an activity that is increasingly growing.” A nurse in cardiology, at the Angoulême University Hospital, promotion 2021-2022 of the university diploma.