Friday, February 10, 2023, the Council of State, the CNIL and the Alliance IHU France have organized a day of work and exchange bringing together doctors, researchers, regulators, industrialists and entrepreneurs, and political decision-makers, around the ethical issues of the use and perspectives of artificial intelligence (AI) and Big Data in research and in medical practice.

The Council of State’s study “Artificial Intelligence and Public Action” of August 2022, raised several questions around the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data by public authorities. These issues are particularly important in the health sector, where the most recent technological developments suggest new ways of using data and artificial intelligence for the benefit of patients.

Three round tables addressed the issues of AI use in research and medical practice, the regulatory framework of health data and the economic ecosystem of these data in France. On this occasion, Professor Pierre Jaïs spoke in the first round table on the use of AI in research and medical practice.

Agenda : 

9:00am : Opening session


  • Didier-Roland Tabuteau – Vice-President of the Conseil d’Etat
  • Marie-Laure Denis – President of the CNIL
  • Stéphane Hatem – General Director of the IHU ICAN

10:00 – 11:00am : the use of IA in research and medical practice


  • Thierry Tuot – Deputy President of the Conseil d’Etat’s Internal Affairs Division

10:00 – 11:00am : the use of IA in research and medical practice


  • Gérard Biau – General Director of SCAI Moderator
  • Stéphanie Combes – Director of the Health Data Hub
  • Pierre Jaïs – General Director of Liryc
  • Dominique Le Guludec – President of the HAS College
  • Valérie Paradis – MD at the Greater Paris University Hospitals

11:15 – 12:15am : What regulatory framework for health data?


  • Jean Lessi – Rapporteur to the Social Section of the Council of State – Moderator
  • Antonios Bouchagiar – Member of the Legal Service of the European Commission
  • David Gruson – Founder of Ethik-IA
  • Stéphane Hatem – General Director of the IHU ICAN
  • Valérie Peugeot – Health Commissioner at the CNIL

2:00 – 3:00pm : What economic ecosystem for health data in France?


  • Louis Dutheillet de Lamothe – Secretary General of the CNIL
  • Christian Deleuze – General Director of Innovation, Sanofi
  • President of Medicen Paris and President of the Health Care Data Institute
  • Yedidia Levy-Zauberman – Director of Public Affairs at Owkin
  • Sébastien Massart – Director of Strategy at Dassault Systèmes

3:10pm : Closing session


  • Jean-Noël Barrot – Minister Delegate in charge of Digital Transition and Telecommunications
  • Thierry Tuot – Deputy President of the Conseil d’Etat’s Internal Affairs Division

The debates are accessible to all on the YouTube channel (morning – afternoon) and the Twitter account (morning – afternoon) of the Conseil d’Etat.