Today, Friday, February 5, 2021, is the Go Red For Women Day. The goal is to raise awareness of cardiovascular disease in women.
Created in 2004 by the American Heart Association (AHA), the movement encourages awareness to fight this scourge, which remains the leading cause of death among women in the world as in France. This year, Liryc is joining the initiative on social networks.

According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world among women: nearly 9 million women die from them every year. In France, a survey conducted by IFOP with the French Federation of Cardiology in 2018 notes that of the 147,000 people who die each year from cardiovascular disease, 54% are women. 1 in 3 women will die from cardiovascular disease.

However, culturally, women believe they are protected until menopause, they do not feel concerned, do not know the atypical symptoms. Women, and sometimes even health professionals, tend to minimize the risks, as the symptoms are different from those of men and are still not well known. The number of women involved in clinical trials in cardiology is still limited.

All these complex prejudices lead to insufficient, delayed or even unrealized care (lack of multidisciplinary global medicine, less frequent access to dedicated care, more complications in women, etc.).

This initiative – Go Red For Women – now aims to empower women to take charge of their heart health by dispelling myths and raising awareness about heart disease. Everyone is invited to wear red and to post a photo on social networks to spread the message. Not enough women know that 80% of cardiac events can be prevented so Go Red For Women!

For more information, visit the French Cardiology Federation’s website or