Kick-off of the European project MICROCARD[1]: how modeling allows to better characterize cardiac arrhythmias

April 2021 sees the birth of the new European Project MICROCARD[1], involving multidisciplinary experts from 10 partner centers, to create  a new modeling platform that can simulate the heart cell by cell. Funded by the European Union, the MICROCARD project is a new opportunity to better understand and characterize cardiac arrhythmias.

A more sophisticated cardiac modeling

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, and half of these death are due to cardiac arrhythmia, i.e., disorders of the electrical activation of the heart. These functional abnormalities are now widely studied with computer models, which are key elements in understanding cardiac arrhythmia. However, current computer models are not powerful enough to study arrhythmia mechanisms at the level of the cardiac cells. To overcome this limitation the heart must be modeled cell by cell, which is a much harder and much larger problem than what is customary today.

A multidisciplinary project to develop a high-performance tool

In this context the European project MICROCARD is launched, led by the IHU Liryc and coordinated by Mark Potse. It will develop software able to simulate the electrical activity of an entire heart, cell by cell, on ultra-powerful “Exascale” supercomputers that will be installed in Europe in the next few years. In order to do this, experts in mathematics, computer science, biophysics and biomedical engineering are collaborating to design algorithms tailored to the specific mathematical problem, the size of the computations, and the particular design of these future computers. The software will be tested with real-life problems in collaboration with experimental and clinical researchers at Liryc.

The platform will be accessible to many users, both in code and through a web interface, and adaptable to similar biological systems such as nerves for a wide range of applications.

The kick-off meeting of the project will take place on April 19 and 20. MICROCARD will be presented throughout the month of April at conferences and meetings to highlight the advances it represents.

[1] This project has received funding from EuroHPC – the European Joint Undertaking for High Performance Computing – under grant agreement no. 955495.
