Manon Desclides, Engineer and PhD student in the Imaging team at the Liryc Institute since 2019. Find out more about her career.

Manon, what is your position at Liryc?

I’m a PhD student in the Liryc imaging team, part of Certis Therapeutics, a start-up specialized in MRI-guided minimally invasive therapies.

What does it mean to be a PhD student in Imaging at Liryc?

I work to develop a laser thermo-ablation device with MRI imaging. To be more precise, I’m working on a algorithm model able to automate an ablation procedure based on the destruction of pathological tissue by heat. Ultimately, this work could be used to help cardiac ablation procedures. This is a modeling exercise that requires a solid grounding in computer science, mathematics and physics.

Why a scientific career?

I’ve always loved science, especially life sciences. I like to understand what’s around me. That’s what keeps me curious: an essential asset if you want to pursue a career in science.

I’m proud to play a part in improving patient care by applying science to medicine as part of the Liryc Imaging team.

Do you have a source of everyday inspiration?

Sophie Germain, a French mathematician and physicist, inspires me with her perseverance and her struggles. Over and above the great advances she has made in the fields of physics and mathematics, she is an example to follow.