Dounia El Hamrani, Research Engineer at IHU Liryc in the Imaging team – with a PhD in biology, specializing in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Dounia, what’s your position at Liryc?
As an engineer, my role revolves around offering expert advice in my field and overseeing the implementation and analysis of experiments involving MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). In practice, this entails assessing the scientific needs of research projects and then developing and validating the most suitable experimental protocols. This requires staying updated with scientific developments, understanding the technical specifications of the equipment and methods, and being aware of their limitations!
Why did you choose to pursue a scientific career?
I chose to pursue a scientific career out of a passion for the field of biology. It’s a fascinating field that enables us to understand the (good and bad!) workings of living beings at different scales of observation, from the organ to the cell.
My greatest pride lies in successfully combining my passion for biology with a technical specialty like MRI. It enables non-invasive observation of living organisms, addressing scientific inquiries, and aiding in disease diagnosis.
What advice would you give to the younger generation wishing to pursue a scientific career?
To the younger generations, I would advise being extremely motivated and not letting setbacks deter you. Pursuing a career in science can be demanding, with long years of study and a high level of dedication. Research teaches us the importance of perseverance, as it often involves facing inconclusive results before ultimately discovering the right answers!
What else inspires you?
Throughout my journey, I have been guided by a quote from Seneca: “We do not refuse to face challenges because they are difficult, but rather they become difficult because we refuse to face them.”